Top 11 Best Yoga DVDs For Beginners [Buyer's Guide]

Considering yoga on DVD to help with aches and pains, or just to stay fit?

As someone who’s been doing yoga for over 15 years now I can affirm that having a consistent yoga practice has been one of the keystones to my good health - I only wish the same for you!

You’ve got a DVD player and some space in your living room so I’ll assume you’re looking to start with something easy before you head to your local yoga studio. Or perhaps finding a yoga instructor near you just isn't possible.

Or maybe you’re looking for the best yoga DVD for beginners as a gift for someone? No matter the reason I’ve scanned through a few hundred reviews on Amazon to help distill things down for you.

As a yoga instructor myself, I’ve compiled this list of the top 11 best yoga DVDs you should consider if you’re just starting out. 

Beginning with the best overall choice...

Top Pick

Yoga for Beginners: A Complete Program With 9 Practices

Over 170 Ratings!

  • Easy-to-understand cues so you're never confused
  • Beautiful setting makes you feel like you're outside in nature to give you a nice feeling of escape.
  • Far from boring! Each session builds on the last one so you learn as you progress

Out of all the DVD's I've looked into and researched - this is the one right here. 

When you're first starting out you want to learn at a slow and steady pace. Too many yoga DVDs out there just assume you have prior knowledge. This slow and gentle approach will ensure your success as a beginner.

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Basic Beginner Programs

Namaste Yoga: The Complete First Season

Over 280 Ratings!

This DVD set delivers in variety. 

One of the most common issues people face in doing yoga at home is that they get bored too quickly. You end up doing the same yoga sequences over and over again if you buy a program that only has 2 or the 3 classes.

If you know you’re going to be doing yoga pretty consistently then this would be a good choice. On the flip side of that if you only expect to step on the mat once a week then this might not be a good pick. 

Perfect For In-Betweeners

If you have been doing yoga for about 2 or 3 months then this would be the perfect set to pick up. If you have no idea what “downward facing dog” is and have never heard of “warrior 2” then you’ll need to start at the VERY beginning - which is totally okay!

There’s a difference between being just a general novice or beginner and being totally fresh to something. If you’ve done some classes before and have an elementary understanding of yoga then you’d be very happy with this choice. This is probably the sweet spot for you. 

8 Yoga Video Routines for Beginners to Increase Strength & Flexibility

Over 1480 Ratings!

The best thing about this is who you get - Barbara Benagh.

Barbara Benagh has been teaching for over 35 years. This means she knows what she’s doing. Now, I’m NOT saying that other teachers (myself included) don’t know what we are doing, but let’s face it… After 35 years you’ve clearly mastered the art of teaching yoga.

One of the biggest things teachers with this much experience can offer a student is confidence. It’s one thing to simply learn how to do yoga, but something entirely different to have an instructor that breathes confidence into your practice. 

This is exactly what you’ll find throughout these eight different routines. A loving and pleasant human being that guides and mentors your each step of the way. 

The Overall Pace

Being both an instructor and a student myself I find that setting the right pace for a class is tremendously important. 

Have you ever felt like you just got into a pose when you’re told to get out of the pose? If this happens once or twice in a full class then it’s not a big deal. But imagine being told this over and over again for a full hour. Yea - very frustrating. 

Thankfully that's what you won’t find with these classes. The overall pace is just right. Not too slow, and definitely not too quick.  If stress relief is your goal then Barbara Benagh will have the best yoga DVDs for this type of beginners workout. 

The Five Elements in Yoga

Over 40 Ratings!

This is an interesting choice. 

It’s not 100% beginners yoga, but that almost doesn’t matter. I say that because of the type of teacher Kate Potter is. She is overflowing with love, happiness and gratitude that whatever she tells you to do, you just find yourself doing it and enjoying the process. 

This is still in the realm of beginner’s yoga but you’ll find some Vinyasa here in this one. If you’re not familiar, “Vinyasa” is typically a faster pace yoga flow. Therefore it doesn’t always lend itself well to people who are just starting out. 

However, If you’ve got an okay understanding of most postures then this would be a fun series to dive into. 

Good For Those Who Can't Sit Still

The above teacher and Rodney Yee (we'll get to him later) are both good yoga DVDs for people who can't stay mellow for very long. You'll find it's not 100% yoga for beginners, but a DVD from these two teachers offer a good workout time and time again.

A good beginners DVD is hard to find because some people are 20 years old who have a background in dance. Other's are 70 years old who spend most of their day sitting. Both of these groups are beginners, but the yoga DVD they choose will differ wildly.

A Connection With The Teacher

There’s a lot to be said for having a good connection with the instructor. Potter is just one of those people who you innately want to be around. Her caring nature is simply contagious. This is a nice benefit to have if you’re going to be watching and rewatching something a few dozen times. 

About Learning Yoga Poses

When you're just starting out and doing yoga for beginners you'll want to find a yoga DVD that isn't too complex. You may think you need to learn all of the yoga poses perfectly, but that' isn't the case right away. The best yoga DVDs won't actually require you to learn yoga poses in order to advance. 

Yoga Stretch for Beginners and Beyond

Over 70 Ratings!

This has two distinct classes.

One for the morning to wake you up and get you going. And the other for the evening time to help you relax. 

Personally, I love doing yoga before bed. Yes, a fun and swift-moving class is always a fantastic way to start your day, but there’s something to be said about a soothing set of poses just before bed.

If you have issues sleeping then this might be a good pick. Yoga in the evening helps me to lower my heart rate which I’ve found helps me sleep deeper and longer. 

Lower Body Stretches

If you have tight hamstrings and hips then you’ll want to check this one out. There is a lot of lower body stuff going on in these two sessions. Athletes such as runners know that tight hamstrings can be really bad for your flexibility. 

If you’re at a point in your life where you're still trying to be fairly athletic then you’ll want to take a close look at this one. 

Surprising Finds

Top Rated

Yoga for Beginners Deluxe Set: 40+ Yoga Video Workouts

Over 950 Ratings!

  • 40 routines so you'll never be tired of the same old thing.
  • Target specific trouble areas including: neck, back, and shoulder issues.
  • Fun yoga exercises for reducing stress, fat-burn, building strength, and much more!

Jessica Smith Feel Good Fusion

Over 550 Ratings!

If you’re expecting traditional yoga then look elsewhere…

This is a typical fusion class where lots of various styles get mixed together. You’ll find Pilates, Barre, weight training, and yoga.

I put this on the list because there may be people who are more comfortable staying in the world of, “going to the gym,” and “working out.”

This offers you an option to dip a toe in the world of yoga so you see if it’s something you're going to like. Most of the yoga in these fusion classes come at the end of your workout to help you cool down. 

About Yoga And Weight Loss

Doing a yoga practice just for weight loss purposes isn't as straightforward as one may think. Depending on what routines you do in your yoga class the best yoga for your body may not 60 minutes of an intense work out.

Finding time to relax and doing yoga for stress may be one of the best things you can do for your body. Doing a 30 minute mellow breathing session can help to lower cortisol which has been linked to weight gain. 

Yoga DVDs For Seniors

Stronger Seniors Stretch and Strength 

Over 680 Ratings!

While most of the DVDs in this section are for older generations, I encourage you not to discount them as being only for the senior population. 

Younger generations who have joint issues, problems with weight, and/or issues with mobility in general will find DVDs like these to be a fantastic starting point. 

Stronger Seniors offers tons of fantastic modifications and options for traditional yoga postures that might not be accessible to the majority of people. This is a fantastic place to begin your journey. 

Straightforward And Easy To Follow

The instruction and cuing in these classes are spot on. You won’t find the teacher making silly jokes that get to be painfully unbearable (especially after you’ve seen these a few dozen times).

There’s a loving no-nonsense yet clear approach in this DVD. This is good for yoga beginners who just want to establish a foundation without being distracted by frivolous chatter. 

From the time you get started on the mat to the time you get off you'll enjoy what this yoga DVD set has to offer. The routines are best done around mid day when you're warmed up and ready to workout. 

Yoga Fix For 50 Plus 

Over 50 Ratings!

As we age there’s always pesky problems in our bodies that pop up.

One day your knee starts aching and you don’t know why. A few years later, it’s your neck. And then one day you realize you’re contending with way more aches and pains than you ever imagined. 

If you’re looking to fix a few minor aches and pains in your body by doing yoga then you’ll want to dive into this DVD set for sure. 

Strength Foundation

We need to be able to safely perform basic movements if we hope to build and/or keep strength as we age. For example, if you’re going to strengthen your legs then you knees will need to be able to hinge properly. 

We start causing compound problems in our bodies when we try to build strength when our joints are already already compromised. If the foundation of what you need to build strength is injured or not working to its proper capacity then you’re setting yourself up for disaster.

Here are the top 5 joint replacement surgeries yoga can help you ward off:

  1. Knee Replacement
  2. Hip joint replacement
  3. Shoulders
  4. Ankles
  5. Elbows

I strongly encourage anyone who’s thinking about doing some light strength training to pick this one up. It’s got fantastic reviews and might save you a few costly X-rays down the road. 

Gentle Yoga: 7 Beginning Yoga Practices for Mid-life 

Over 1900 Ratings!

This DVD set is one of the best on this entire list - hands down.

It’s got just a little bit of everything. There’s something for balance. There’s a class for AM energy and also a class for PM yoga for beginners relaxation. Furthermore, there’s a cool section about desk work! This means if you sit at a desk all day then you’ll really want to grab this one. 

Beautiful Scenery 

If you’re stuck in your house, why not escape and get a little stress relief? You might not be able to get away on a trip to the ocean or the mountains, but at least you could enjoy the scenery on your television as you practice. 

If you’d like to have a moment of mental and physical escape from your day-to-day life then I’d highly recommend looking into this DVD set. Again, doing just a 30 minute of stress relief flow yoga session can have profound effects. 

Budget Pick

Element: Yoga For Energy And Relaxation

Over 950 Ratings!

  • Slow and steady pace so you never feel left behind!
  • Offers beautiful modifications so you can do all poses regardless of your flexibility level.
  • Particularly good for relaxation. The gorgeous setting and calming voice of the instructor provides a tranquil experience.


Choosing the best yoga DVD for beginners is simple if you just know what you want to get out of your experience.

The above list has provided you with a few different options depending on where you are in your yoga journey. 

Some people may want to use yoga as a form of rehabilitation after workouts. Others may see it as a way to fight off the impending aches and pains of old age. And then again, there’s always something to be said for saving money. 

If you feel I’ve left something out then don’t hesitate to comment below and let me know!
