30 Min Classes
8 Videos Total
Series Overview:
Please understand this series is not intended to be easy - at least at first. The first part of each class moves swiftly to help warm up our muscles. The final portion of the class then encourages us to hold poses for an extended amount of time to help boost our flexibility, long term.
60 Min Classes
7 Videos Total
Series Overview:
These longer classes allow us the opportunity to sink deep into postures to really loosen things up.
These classes won't be super challenging in terms of difficulty level because you can always find an applicable modification. The real challenge is mental due to holding poses for so long.
60 Min Classes
8 Videos Total
Series Overview:
One of the key ways to become more flexible is by holding postures for an extended amount of time. Practicing hatha yoga is perfect for this!
30 Min Classes
7 Videos Total
Series Overview:
Our hips are really Grand Central Station for our bodies mobility. Loosening up your psoas, glutes, groin, SI joints, and more is key in advancing your flexibility overall.