
Membership FAQ


Are the classes beginner-friendly?

Answer: Yes. If you’ve done a few basic yoga classes, then you’ll be very comfortable with each set of postures. Beginners are always encouraged to visit the ever-growing library of posture explanations if any questions arise.


Can I access these videos from any kind of device (e.g. phone, computer, tablet)?

Answer: Yes! All videos are accessible from any device you wish.


How do I access the content?

Answer: Immediately after checkout YOUR LOGIN INFORMATION WILL BE SENT TO YOUR EMAIL (check your spam filter just in case). You may then login to this website and access your content from any device. Furthermore, you may change your password at anytime. 


Is there a Guarantee?

Answer: Yes! You have a full 30-day guarantee with any YogaWithLandon.com memberships and courses. If you feel FOR ANY REASON my services were not to your liking, then simply email: support@yogawithlandon.com and I will refund your money within 48 hrs. 


What about these “retreats & workshops” I have discounts on?

Answer: Retreats are done at least once per year. Paid members will receive 10% to 30% off trainings and in-person workshops. Retreat locations include, but are not limited to: New Mexico, Colorado, California, Arizona, Costa Rica, Ireland, and Hawaii.


I’m not on Facebook, is there another way to stay connected with the private group?

Answer: You do need Facebook to access the private Facebook Group… However, each training and challenge has a corresponding comment section you are encouraged to join in on, ask questions, and encourage others' progress!


What are the challenge classes like?

Answer: Each challenge class starts with a short introduction relevant to the theme of that challenge. You are encouraged to keep a single sheet of paper (or even a full journal) to follow along with each of the 7 days.

Classes are crafted so that a wide array of ability levels can enjoy each 30 minute session. This means modifications and even amplifications are demonstrated throughout to keep you moving through each challenge day.


When do the themed challenges start each month?

Answer: Each themed challenge is released within the first 7 days of the month. Typically the first Monday of each month. You may start the challenge ANYTIME you wish. You may also access any of the previous month’s challenges at anytime.


How do I cancel?

Answer: Cancellation is simple. Once logged in to your “Member Home” area, scroll to the bottom to access your “Member Profile." You may cancel your membership at anytime with zero hard feelings!


What's the deal with the trial?

Answer: Your first week is only $1 to try everything out. After this you will be billed the normal monthly rate.

Don't wait! Join today!

"Thank you for choosing to become a member! I'm excited to share all of my best tips, strategies, and secrets with you. See you on the inside!"