15 - 20 Min Classes 7 Classes Total Download Flexibility Tracker Series Overview: If you are struggling with flexibility in a specific area of your body, then that specific area may not be the true problem. ​ When we first focus on our surrounding areas it will allow our target areas to better release. For lasting flexibility it's always best to take a more whole-body approach.
5 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Don't have time for a full class? Feeling stiff? These flexibility quick fix classes are perfect for loosening things up. Each class is about 5 - 7 minutes. Choose the area you want to work on, grab a chair to make yourself comfortable, and dive right in!
30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Got a specific nagging issue with your back? Take a look at these classes designed to help with general stiffness, disc issues, sciatica, SI joint issues, and more! 30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Taking care of your spine is one of the best ways to ensure you stay healthy, fit, and mobile through the years. We'll work with each area of our backs to soothe your spine. 30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Let's work out the kinks in those hips! Enjoy each day in this series as you learn new, fun, and unique ways to help enhance the range of motion in your hips. Deepen in Pigeon Pose, discover Firelog pose, and how to help release a tight psoas muscle! 30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: These flows are crafted with the gut in mind as we emphasize twisting postures to wring out and detox our inner organs. Beyond specifically doing yoga, we will also look at educating ourselves on our overall gut health. We'll learn about gluten, probiotics, prebiotics and more! 30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Are you ready to cozy up and relax? This series is all about settling into some deeply restorative poses. Be sure to grab a few pillows, a blanket or two, and any props you might have. 30 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Please note... Each day is best done right before bed. You'll find most every class to be VERY easy and mellow. If you're someone who has troubles falling asleep or getting high-quality sleep, then you'll enjoy this series is for you.
5-7 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: Looking to build some strength, but short on time? These quick and simple classes will help ensure you stay consistent! Pro Tip: If you want to get a little more out a class you can always pause the video part way through to keep the isometric hold for longer. Or... If you'd like another set, simply start the video over from the beginning for double the amount of targeted strength building!
60 Min Classes 7 Videos Total Series Overview: This series contains full body yoga classes designed specifically for those just starting out.We will build upon everything we've learned thus far by slowly learning a few more fun postures and even variations of common poses.